Riverview Steps

Riverview Next Steps

Note: Below is a generic message for Blue Brook Properties LLC Move Ins.


Congratulations on being approved for a rental at Blue Brook Properties LLC. Here are the next steps you need to follow to finalize your lease and move in:


1. A lease will be sent to your email for review and electronic signature. Please read it carefully and sign it electronically as soon as possible.

2. You need to obtain two separate certified bank checks or Money Orders, one set for the first month's rent and the other for the security deposit. Both checks should be made out to "Blue Brook Properties LLC".

3. We can meet on or before the official move-in date to exchange funds and give you keys. Please let me know what day & time works best for you.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to welcoming you as a tenant at Blue Brook Properties LLC.